To reflect!

When I first got the project it was between capcut and iMovie for apps to use. When it came down to it, I used capcut because it seemed easier. I was a bit familiar with capcut because its used a lot on TikTok. I wanted to incorporate a voice over and music in the background. I had never done a video like this so learning to overlap the voice over and music together without both overpowering each other was a struggle at first. I also learned how to upload videos on YouTube. As I uploaded my video it turned into short which I didn't even know was a thing. Everyday I learn knew things about technology. When putting the project together a lot was learned. I needed to have everything in the project organized so that it would be easier for me to add and do. If I didn't organized it, it may have been harder to follow as it wouldn't have order. Another thing I learn is that waiting till the last minute isn't an option. It took way longer then expected so if I waited last minu...