To reflect!

When I first got the project it was between capcut and iMovie for apps to use. When it came down to it, I used capcut because it seemed easier. I was a bit familiar with capcut because its used a lot on TikTok. I wanted to incorporate a voice over and music in the background. I had never done a video like this so learning to overlap the voice over and music together without both overpowering each other was a struggle at first. I also learned how to upload videos on YouTube. As I uploaded my video it turned into short which I didn't even know was a thing. Everyday I learn knew things about technology. 

When putting the project together a lot was learned. I needed to have everything in the project organized so that it would be easier for me to add and do. If I didn't organized it, it may have been harder to follow as it wouldn't have order. Another thing I learn is that waiting till the last minute isn't an option. It took way longer then expected so if I waited last minute then it wouldn't have been turned it on time. When you  need help its always good to ask for help or you won't know. This is important because when I asked my fellow peers for help I realized we all have different styles so that I shouldn't be scared because my video doesn't look like theirs. 

When doing this project I realized a lot of things. To use capcut I think I did pretty great on my project. For the next project I may learn to use iMovie for a better look in the editing aspect. Capcut looked great but iMovie seems for more serious editing aspects. Also for a better project I will start earlier so can have time to fix any mistakes. I didn't procrastinate too bad on my project but I didn't have enough time to fix. Starting earlier gives wiggle room so if I hate it I can start over and not submit something that isn't to my standards. Another thing that will make it better is if it has more of a personal touch because it will seem less rushed which would make the craft better. 

Overall the project was great for my first media task. I have never been in a media class so it was all a learning experience especially the different apps. Also this isn't something you can hurry and do like an essay because it will show a rushed job. Organization is important and key to really having good videos also.


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