Planning for the music video!

Hey guys, what's up! So I am gonna break down everything we need and have planned for our music video. Remember the song we chose was Heartbreak Anniversary by Giveon. My group and I are planning to film our video at the Tower Shops in Davie, which is also my photo inspo. Here are some of the thing we will be using to make this video all come together.

- Balloons
- Teddy Bear 
- Cake 
- Cups 

Costumes: Overall dress code is casual 
Each actor will have different outfits based on the scenes, they fit into being...
- Hoodies
- Pants
- Shorts 
- Sneakers 
- Tops 
- T-Shirts 
- Leggings 
- Possible hair accessories 
- Makeup 

Tower Shops Plaza
- Parking Lot 
- Restaurants nearby 
- Car 
- Park/grass area nearby 

8:30 am: arrive at main location Tower Shop Plaza 
8:45 am: Set up props for scenes
9:00 am: Film Scene one and two in the car
9:15 am: Film Scene three in the parking lot/public are 
9:20 am: Film Scenes four, five, eight, nine and ten in the plaza strip 
10:00 am: Take a quick ten minute break to recharge 
10:10 am: Film scenes six and seven at restaurants in the plaza
10:30am: travel to park/grass area
10:40 am: Film scenes eleven and twelve at park or grass area nearby
11:00 am: Wrap up and clean up areas 
11:15 am: Review footage again (the footage is reviewed after every scene) and reshoot or fix anything needed for the scenes 
11:45 am: End of shooting 

Backup Plan: 
In case of weather issues park scenes will be recorded on a different day or covered location (possibly Starbucks)  
- In case of weather issues car and parking lot scenes will be recorded in a parking garage nearby
- If there is any injury, main lead will be replace, unfortunately all scenes will be needed to be recorded again

That's it for now!!


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