Movie Research: IT

Welcome, welcomeeeee back. Today you will be following me on a journey to dig deep in to a horror movie of our choice. Looking at the CLAMPS, CAMS and editing of various horror movies helps to best understand what I should have in my short film. Today I will be looking at the move IT an adaptation of the novel IT by Stephen King. I will answering some questions to get a better understanding of the movie. 1. What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked? - One convention that was noticeable throughout the movie would the atmosphere. The movie creates a dark and eerie atmosphere, that makes the viewer uncomfortable. It also included one of the main aspects that give a horror movie it's name... jump scares. Throughout watching this movie, I had no idea when the next jump scare was which makes it really thrilling to watch. Also seeing the costumes compliment the characters was amazing. The monster's performance tied perfectly with its ...